On International Kissing Day 2024 know how many types of kisses there are which kisses are caring and romantic

On International Kissing Day 2024 know how many types of kisses there are which kisses are caring and romantic

International Kissing Day is celebrated every year on 6th July across the world. This day is considered very special especially for couples. But do you know how many types of kisses are there? Today on the day of Kissing Day, we will tell you about the different types of kisses. Know when and on which occasion people use which kiss.

Let us tell you that Kissing Day is celebrated during Valentine’s Week in the month of February. But International Kissing Day is celebrated on 6th July. According to the information, this day was first started in the United Kingdom. But later it gradually spread all over the world. This day is very special for any couple. Because kissing your partner is a very pleasant feeling.

Types of Kisses

Actually, there are different ways of kissing, which express emotions. For example, a kiss on the forehead is mostly called a non-sexual kiss. However, the meaning of kiss changes in different countries. In some countries, it is considered just a way of greeting, while in other countries it can also be called obscenity. However, kissing your partner or a close person can be called a common human behavior. Kiss can be used to express love, for romance, to show respect to someone, or to care for someone.

Non-romantic kiss

The kiss given while greeting someone is a non-romantic kiss. This kind of kiss can be given on the cheek or on the forehead. During this, age, relationship, culture etc. are also taken into consideration. In America, UK etc., women and men also kiss like this, but it is not so in India or Arab countries. Because here women are seen giving non-romantic kisses to each other, but in the case of men it is not so common. Men usually hug, but do not kiss each other.

non-sexual kiss

Let us tell you that non-sexual kiss is done to show love. But it cannot be considered sexual. This kiss is also done on the forehead or cheek. In some cases, it is also considered a way to show care. Non-sexual kiss is mostly done with close ones or relatives.

formal kiss

Formal kiss is as formal as its name suggests. In this kiss, people often kiss each other’s hands. This is also a part of British culture. This kind of kiss is done while formally greeting someone.

A kiss with care

Apart from this, kissing someone on the hair or forehead shows care. This kiss means that you are worried about the other person. Not only this, sometimes this kind of kiss is also given when someone is ill.

erotic kiss

Erotic kiss actually shows sexual pleasure. There are many types of this kiss. Like French kiss, Eskimo kiss, peck kiss, neck kiss etc. It is always considered a romantic kiss.

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